Monday, April 29, 2013

Mommy Resolution #15

to pray
before I

to pray first,
in all things,
especially before I
"lose it".

So creative. So much work. &-after a deep breath prayer-So thankful for those little hands.

{pics by our fabulous Aunt Lizzy}

Todays resolution goes along with this post about being determined not to lose it. 

See previous resolutions here


  1. It's actually kind of cute! They did a great job of staying in a straight line! =)

  2. Such a beautiful perspective. Through the years I've learned to do this more and more and not miss out on what those handprints truly are...blessings. It's not always easy though and sometimes I forget to take that step back and breathe. What a great simple reminder. :-) Thanks for sharing!


"What? You too?!"