Monday, February 4, 2013

Our Weekend

This week I'm joining in the weekend link up fun with Mary Beth over at Annapolis & Company.

This is my first attempt so I'm starting simple, just going with 3 things we did this past weekend.

Here goes...

1. Haircuts The boys were waaaaaaaaay overdue for haircuts, so we set up "Momma's barbershop" and everyone except Joseph got their hair trimmed. Daddy came up with a new way of getting all the hair off-the vacuum cleaner!
2. "The Red Park" is the nickname the kiddos have for our favorite park, after one of it's dominate colors. (When we lived in Louisiana our favorite park was "the purple park".) We enjoyed a trip there this weekend. Joseph loved the swing!

3. I like to go to church That is a veerrrryyy old children's song that sometimes pops into my head on Sunday mornings. We really do love worshiping and learning about Our Great God with our church family. The first Sunday of the month are now Lord's Supper and Fellowship Lunch days. There are the boys with their new haircuts and Petra eating cheese puffs at lunch.

I love how this link up highlights the weekend. It's easy to overlook the little things and later think, "what did we do this past weekend? Hmmm, I can't remember, nothing I guess..."

but we really do so much even when we "don't really do anything".

The weekends are the time when many families can be together and that's another great reason to focus on that time and make it special. For our family, Saturday's are a celebration of daddy. Our children look forward all week to Daddy being home!

Thank you Mary Beth for encouraging this link up! I can't wait to see what everyone else did for their


 Just one more little fun thing from our weekend
Daddy fixes hair



  1. Awww, love the haircut series photos. So cute :)

  2. Hey Mary! Yes, I know who you are. :) I'm not sure if we've officially met, but I know your family. It's a small world when we all link up, huh. :) Good job cutting boys hair!

    1. I thought so! Very small world. It's very nice to "meet" you:-)
      Thank you!

  3. Yay for barbershop moms! I cut everybody's hair here too {saves money big time!} I love the vacuum video...all about efficiency! :) Thanks for linking up, did a great job with your photo grid!

    1. Thank you Mary Beth! Yes, cutting hair at home has saved an unknown, but HUGE amount of money around here over the years. I've been blessed to have some hair-cutting friends give me some tips. If only I could cut my own hair...;-)

  4. The vacuum! That's brilliant. Totally stealing that idea.

  5. LUV the pictures!!Great Job Mary! Love u all

  6. Hi.
    Sounds like you had a good weekend.
    Love the daddy fixing Petra's hair video!

    Have a good week!


  7. I thought the haircutting and all the weekend pictures were so cute. I love Josh's movie doing the hairdo. We laughed when we watched it. Keep up the good work.


"What? You too?!"